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Salt Lake Acting Company - david kranes

Adapted from the short story "Part of the Story" by Stephen Dobyns

New Play Sounding Series
Free Reading

Monday, April 30 @ 7pm

Director: Robin Wilks-Dunn

Actors: Daniel Beecher, April Fossen, Jacob Johnson, Teresa Sanderson, Matthew Sincell, Cassandra Stokes-Wylie

Stage Manager: Jordan Simmons

Five adult birth-children. Their birth mother. A first-time, get-together, potluck brunch in a trailer-home in Michigan. A dead lover in the back room. Story-telling; joke-telling. Bad behavior. Good behavior. Y'all come, now.

SLAC thanks the Jarvis and Constance Doctorow Family Foundation for their generous support of this vital program.

Doors open at 6:30pm. Open seating; first come, first served. 

November 04, 2013

A Loss of Appetite

By David Kranes

April 25 - 27, 2014

Published in 2013-2014 Season