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SWIMMING POOL by Will Snider

New Play Sounding Series
Free Reading

Monday, October 14 @ 7pm

Director: Robin Wilks-Dunn

Actors: Sean Carter, Barb Ganddy, Tamara Johnson-Howell, Dan Larrinaga, Tito Livas*, Morgan Lund*, Nicki Nixon, Lane Richins*, Natalie Keezer

Stage Manager: Katelyn Limber*

Summer, 1998. Once popular, Arrowhead Community Pool has seen membership decline for years. Retired pool president Dorothy Wilson blames video games and air-conditioning. But when new pool president Freddie Rosedale abolishes Dorothy's longstanding alcohol ban and installs a frozen margarita machine, the place comes back to life, and a battle begins. SWIMMING POOL is a dark ensemble comedy about American excess and restraint on the cusp of the 21st Century.

SLAC thanks the Jarvis and Constance Doctorow Family Foundation for their generous support of this vital program. 

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